
About Me (and maybe I tagged you)

We used to do these getting to know you type posts a lot a while ago so since there are a lot of new bloggers (and readers) I thought it would nice to do it again.

1. Are you named after someone?

No. The story goes that my mom liked Laura and my dad Kim so they just put it together and Laura-kim was born. 

2. When was the last time you cried?

Properly cried? I am not sure. Its been a while.

3. Do you have kids?

Only 4.

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?

I hope so, probably? Getting to know me|HarassedMom

5. Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Woolies cuppacinos, lactose free ice cream and pedicures (although I haven’t been able to indulge in that recently).

6. Do you like handwriting?

Yes! I can’t remember the last report card of the kids I have received that had a hand written section, it makes me feel like the comments were just copied and pasted. Handwriting adds a personal touch.

7. What is your favorite cereal?

Muesli – my Bakers Bin have a brand that is particularly yummy.

8. What is the first thing you notice about people?

Eyes, their voice and smile.

9. What color are your eyes?

Blue-green depending on my mood.Getting to know me|HarassedMom

10. Scary movies or happy endings?

I have never seen the point of scary movies so happy endings.

11. Favorite TV show?

Scandal, Suits, Blacklist, Criminal Minds and Big Bang

12. Summer or winter?

Both have their pros and by the time summer is over, I am ready for winter and vice versa but I think I do prefer summer.

13. Hugs or kisses?

Hugs! All the hugs!

14. What’s the furthest you’ve been from home?

I think right now I am the furtherest I have ever been from my parents home.Getting to know me|HarassedMom

15. Do you have special talents?

I bake babies pretty well – does that count?

16. Where were you born.

Durban – St Augustines Hospital

17. What are your hobbies?

ScrapbookingGetting to know me|HarassedMom

18. Do you have any pets?

Yes we have a staffie called Lucy

19. Favorite movie?

The Transformers! Benny and Joon and Dead Poets Society

20. What color is your car?

White – very boring. I loved my red golf and blue Atos!

21. What did you want to be when you grow up?

A princess! And then when I realised that wasn’t going happen, I wanted to be a lawyer

I am going to tag 3 people to also take part – Celeste, Ella and Chastin.

I used the questions from this post.



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