
The weekend Baby R swam in chia seeds!

It’s no secret the last couple of weeks have been exhausting and I have struggled a little bit to be a good parent. I am hoping that they saying “It must get worse before it gets better.” is actually true because I think we may have turned a corner.  Friday was explosive and exhausting but I think it helped us to regain our equilibrium.

We had a great weekend. Nothing out of the ordinary happened but everyone was calm and happy.  There was some big news though. Cameron has been chosen for a squad that could go to Italy next year. There is one final round next year but if he keeps his head down and maintains his dedication and work ethic he will make it. So I attended a briefing session for the trip on Saturday. We are all so quick to complain about the government but I was so impressed with Gauteng Provincial Government on Saturday. They are sponsoring 200 kids to go on this trip. They have implemented a plan to train those who can’t afford too in conjunction with UJ and TUKS. So much thought and planning has gone into this trip.

David had to work for a few hours on Saturday afternoon so I bought some veggie seeds and the younger 3 kids and I planted a veggie garden and then Jack and Emma had the most fun spraying each other with the hose pipe. They were soaked and warmed up in the biggest bubble bath. Bedtime was calm. There were no tantrums. It was kinda how the internet tells you parenting will be.

Are you scrolling to find out the chia seed story? It was a story and half and I am still picking seeds out of both Baby R and I. We attended a friends baby girls 1st birthday party and she had created the biggest messy play area for the toddlers ever. There was a castle made from cardboard boxes that the kids could draw and paint on. There was a ball pit, finger paints, stickers and play dough. Then there was a huge baking tray with chia seeds in goo (or jelly?). Sasha put it down, Jack and Emma, eyed it suspiciously but Baby R took one look and literally jumped into it. He was covered from head to toe in goo and seeds but he couldn’t stop laughing. He was making the most of his messy play experience. It was a very cool idea for a toddler party, albeit extremely messy!!!!!

When we got home we chucked everyone in the pool. As far as I know it was the first time Baby R had been in the pool and he splashed and jumped and refused to get out. He was shivering but every time we tried to take him out he clung onto Kiara.

Everyone under the age of 13 was fast asleep by 19h15 which is usually unheard of in our house! It was a good weekend!

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